Treating animals for bloat, eczema and mineral deficiencies through their drinking water makes sense.

But if you’ve got an inline dosing system, you’re probably getting sick of it breaking down and the high service bills.

When an inline dosing system breaks down, you need it fixed urgently … which always comes at a price. Unlike PETA Dispensers, there are many moving parts in inline dosing systems, which wear out. And water pipes can get worn out too. Bloat materials have degrade alkathene making it necessary for farmers to use of high density PVC piping for water reticulation throughout the farms to avoid leaks.

PETA trough dispensers avoid these problems through two clever design features.  Firstly PETA Dispensers have no moving parts – so there is nothing to wear out.  Secondly, the treatment material is dispersed directly into the trough, avoiding any problems with water pipes.

Another problem with the inline dosing systems is that they introduce supplements/treatments on a per litre basis.  Given that daily drinking levels can vary widely from day to day this can lead to serious overdose or underdose situations. This can be quite serious for some elements such as zinc, selenium, cobalt, copper, etc, where there underdose and overdose levels are quite close together.

PETA trough dispensers get over this problem because animals are dosed on a per animal/day system.  Read more about how the dispensers work.